Figuring out how to be a newlywed in this crazy world!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Well, at least I worked out today

I didn't leave the house today. Usually that would be really depressing but we have been so busy lately that I really enjoyed it. I slept in kinda late and watched a bit of T.V. Then, believe it or not, I worked out! I was pretty proud of myself. Surprisingly, I weighed myself this morning anticipating a huge holiday weight gain and I didn't really gain any weight. In fact, I actually weighed less this morning than I did before Christmas break started. I think I am a bit dehydrated now because I drink so much water at work and my schedule is all thrown off. Overall, however, I must not have gained that eight pounds that surveys claim the average American gains during the holidays. Maybe it just hasn't caught up with me yet. I have had a lot of chocolate! It had to go somewhere!
Oh well, I had a wonderful lazy day today, no blowdryer, no flat iron, no makeup, and I wore loungey pants all day! I may never go back to work. :)

1 comment:

One of the Bunch said...

Hey Amy,

I was hoping for a lazy day today but no such luck! (sigh) I have decided to weigh myself on Tuesday's. I am keeping track of it and hope to report a loss from my last weight! (fingers crossed) Maybe having a weekly weigh in will help you keep on track too?

Have a great day!!