Figuring out how to be a newlywed in this crazy world!

Monday, June 25, 2007

I want new furniture!

My husband and I love our home but I want new furniture in our living room. We have a lovely matching off white leather couch and chair with ottoman. The problem with it is that it belonged to my in-laws and then followed my husband through college, after college, and now our house. Needless to say, it has seen better days. It is well made furniture it is just a little beat up.

We went looking at furniture on Friday evening and I was disappointed in what we found. I want to find a three piece set with a sofa, loveseat, and chair that all match. Generally, what we found was either a) a million dollars, b) ugly, or c) a million dollars AND ugly. Actually we didn't find enough matching sets on sale. Also, Chad wants leather furniture but it is very expensive. I really like the look of suede or faux suede but I am nervous that it will be too difficult to clean. My friend, Casey, with 2 little kids said that it was really easy to clean. She has the ultra (faux) suede though. My mother in law has real suede and finds it impossible to clean.

Does anyone have any experience with suede or like-suede material on furniture? I would like to know what everyone thinks!


One of the Bunch said...

Your thoughts reflect mine to a T. However, with five little monkeys (jumping on the furniture), it's pretty impossible at this point. Back in 2003, we did purchase brand new furniture. It was a dual reclining couch and loveseat. Unfortunately, the following spring, our finished basement was flooded and we lost it all. We would love to have leather furniture but it's not an option with the kids (or finances) right now. I have heard that the leather is easy to clean. Unfortunately, I am stuck with a "hand me down" sectional couch and recliner. In due time... I hope you find the furniture you desire at a rock bottom price! Good Luck!

jennserra said...

Hey Amy.

My Cousin Josie has three kids under 6 yrs old and she SWEARS by her leather furniture.

Why just earlier today she was telling me about when her daughter Haley was sick she would catch her wiping her nose on the couch... *gross* and she was SO HAPPY that it was leather so she could QUICKLY & EASILY clean it.

The additional cost now will save you a lot of pain, headaches, and possible spreading of germs... at least, according to my cousin Josie =)

BTW... I will be unable to come to the shower for sis. Although I would love to see her and the rest of your fam, I have to get back down to work in Florida. I will see you all soon though... the wedding is coming up quickly.

Anonymous said...


Sounds like I have the same issues as you. I have had to put up with Matt's ugly bachelor couch for waaay too long. We just bought a new couch - yay! - a couple weeks ago for our new house. We splurged on the leather. We paid $1300 for it, but it's gorgeous and it will last a long time. Soon, I plan on getting a cute armchair to go with it...a fun fabric print or something.

I know what you mean about the ugly furniture. We have searched high and low! There are two really nice stores here in is Stonesthrow and the other is Design Quest. They have -zero- ugly, overstuffed furniture. All their stuff has clean lines and is well-designed. Plus they are locally owned, so you won't get the same stuff that every place else seems to have. If you get fed up and have no other should check 'em out.

Good luck!

P.S. Your blog is really cute!