Today was the last day of school for my kids. It is such an exciting day for everyone. I teach Kindergarteners so it is their first official summer break and last day of school. Many of them don't really understand what to expect. They keep thinking they are coming back. I try to explain it to them but I am sure there are still a few kids who really don't get it.
I got a few million hugs from my little ones today (I hope no one has lice!) and many kids told me that they are going to miss me. I am going to miss them so much too. It is odd now that it is the end of my third year of teaching. I have more and more children to remember and love. I get to know these kids SO well over the school year that it is very weird when they are no longer "mine."
I am a bit sad today too, however, because my buddy teacher from across the hall is retiring. It is so weird to think about next year without Joanie. The great news, however, is that one my best friends is going to move into her room right across the hall!!! That will be nothing but trouble, fun fun fun trouble!
I wish I had the summer off like many of my co-workers. Tomorrow (yes tomorrow!) I start a Professional Development Science Curriculum project for MSU. It is a fun project but it means that I still have to wake up to an alarm clock for another week and a half. And of course, that is right before my 3 graduate school classes in a 5 1/2 week time frame. Oh well, I will enjoy my summer break in August!
I'm glad school is out! They look so much bigger than the pictures you had when you were here! Sounds like a busy summer. Can you believe tomorrow is our fifth anniversary and Bethany is getting married? What a world! :-)
Oh, what an adorable picture!! I see my little princess in there. You know, the one who loves to cut her own hair!!! Yikes. Enjoy your break...when you get it! -Becky
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