Figuring out how to be a newlywed in this crazy world!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The Life of Chad and Amy

Well, well, well. . . my first blog. Where do I begin?
Let me introduce myself. My name is Amy and I am married to a wonderful man named Chad. We have been married nearly a year and we just bought our first house. I am trying to get used to taking care of a home, cooking, cleaning, etc. I am a Kindergarten teacher and I will begin my fourth year of teaching in the Fall. I love my job, but of course it can be a challenge.
Stay tuned for the life of a newlywed trying to figure it all out.


Dea said...

YAY!!!! Amy's in the blogosphere!!! Make sure you sign up with a bunch of the little links I have on the side of the HHW blog - bloghub, blogging chicks etc. It's a great way to get traffic!

One of the Bunch said...

Hey Amy!! Thanks for the link. I remember the days of being a newlywed. Fun memories! Almost 12 years later, it's still just as fun. (Although, a little busier) Glad to see you in the blog-o-sphere!! -Becky