Figuring out how to be a newlywed in this crazy world!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

So as it turns out . . .

I'm pregnant! Most of you (family members etc.) know this already but I finally have some cute pics to post! The first pictures are right before my mom and I went shopping for a plethora of maternity clothes. Then you can see how cute one of my new dresses looks when Mom and I went to my cousin Amanda's baby shower.

So, I am 17 weeks along and I am due in October. I am not so sick anymore but that would basically account for my lack of posting. I have been pretty tired and my nightly naps have been pretty long. I do have to say that being a Kindergarten teacher and being pregnant are not a great combonation! I am not sure if we will find out if it is a boy or a girl, its up to Chad and he's not sure yet. He doesn't think there are enough surprises in life. I think that I will be just as surprised at 20 weeks as at 40! ;)
So, anyway, that is my big news. It's not a huge secret as pretty much everyone knows and if they don't they haven't apparently they haven't seen my big belly lately! I just wanted to share!


mom said...

hey, congratulations! glad to see you are up to posting again. great pictures. Love the blog as usual. love, mom

Dea said...

AWWWW! :) AMY!!!!! So cute... wish I was there! :(

Anonymous said...

Finally! Been checking the blog for the announcement. All these new babies - so exciting! Come on Chad, we need to know pink or blue!