Figuring out how to be a newlywed in this crazy world!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Kids say the darndest things

So I told the parents of my Kindergarteners on Friday that I am pregnant. Honestly, I couldn't really hide it anymore and I was getting tired of people staring at my bulging stomach since no one should ever ask if someone is pregnant!
So yesterday and today my kids have been talking about it amongst themselves. It is funny to hear what they have to say about it.
At the end of the day, however, I had my purse with me because I had to go right to the GI doc after work. One little boy in my class said, "You have to go to the doctor so he can take your baby out!"
I said, "no, my baby has to cook a little longer in my belly."
Then he said, "are you going to eat your baby?"
I guess it was a valid question. I forget that they are very literal about everything and many of them are not developmentally ready to understand double meanings or jokes. It was just such a funny response!


One of the Bunch said...

I LOVE it! Yes, kids do say the darndest things.


Dea said...

Mmmm baby... yummy! :)

Anonymous said...

No, The DINGO ate yaw baby!