Figuring out how to be a newlywed in this crazy world!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

It is SO F-ing COLD!!

And of course by F-ing I mean FREEZING!!! It was so cold this morning on our walk into church that my lungs ached when we got inside. The sidewalk was a sheet of ice from all of the blowing snow and even though it wasn't snowing the wind made the snow on the ground blow all over! It was so miserable. OH MAN! The thing that makes it worse is that I know that my mom, my sister, two of my aunts and uncles, my grandma, and my cousin are all happily in Florida, enjoying the sunshine. Then they have the audacity to say that 70* is cold. If I could go down there and strangle them I would, but frankly it is too cold to leave the house!!!
Our table is coming tomorrow! We took apart Aunt Pat's old table and put it in the basement today so now the room looks pretty empty. I can't wait to get the new table tomorrow. I am always worried, however, about being home alone with the delivery guy/guys. It seems like it goes against everything I know to invite strange men into my house. I talked to the delivery guy a few times though and he is really nice. I will be just fine, I just get a little overly-paranoid. Too much CSI:Miami and Law and Order *dun-dun*
I hope everyone is warm where they are. At least warmer that we are here. Just think, it will be Spring before we know it. I mean, it will be Easter soon, it should be warm by mid-March, right, HAHAHAHAHA! I can just see all the little girls in their Easter dresses and white sandals all bundled up in snowsuits! Nothing like an Easter Egg hunt in the snow! Gotta love Michigan!
Enjoy your Monday! Just four days with kids this week and then a four day week after that, thanks Presidents for having a day! I will post pictures of our new table soon!

1 comment:

One of the Bunch said...

Hey Amy,
I agree with the delivery people coming into your house when you're there alone! It freaks me out too. Even pizza delivery guys. I'm glad to see that it all went well though and you got your beautiful table set up! I can *so* see a table full of adorable children with Chad and yourself at each end. :) Someday...

Stay warm! I'm longing for our FL trip and sadly, it's a few months away still.
