Figuring out how to be a newlywed in this crazy world!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

My Best Friend - The Humble Housewife!

I have a feeling that some lovely fans of my friend Deb's site may be coming over to my blog as she not only mentioned it but linked to it twice! Deb and I have been friends since she lived in the US the first time while we were 10 & 11 years old, though we didn't realize it until years later. We later had some mutal friends and honestly when I met her I didn't think we would get along. I was SO wrong, however. We have been very close friends since before we met our husbands and have literally traveled the world to visit one another!

Anyway, she inspired me to start my own blog, though I am not sure many people even read it. If you browse through for even a second you could see that I have been married for about a year and I am at such an interesting time in my life. I am a Kindergarten teacher in the Midwest part of the U.S. and though I don't have kids, I must admit I think about having them constantly. I think I have to get my more of my Master's degree finished first!

So, welcome new visitors thanks for checking me out. I can't wait to get the Avoca cookbook and try something totally new! I don't know what to put in my blog but if you have suggestions or questions, I am always interested in where to take this little site!

1 comment:

Dea said...

Nice picture! Who's the hot blonde? Are you in Blaaarney - a tee ta taw a tee ta taw! ;-) Good times my friend. I have ordered the book sent to me, because I have a bunch of other crap to send to you, which I PROMISE I will... as soon as the book comes. Hope you guys are having a lovely weekend! XO