Today I put together a 33 page paper today addressing my thoughts on "good teaching" Let's just say that I have never put together a paper with more components or pages. I am glad that it is finally done and I feel like I did a good job.
I have also been working on a rough draft of a powerpoint presentation for another class and my teacher REALLY liked it. She wants to use one of my slides comparing two curriculuar theories in her future teaching! Wow, I was so honored. Plus, she is a hard grader and she seemed to really like it so far so I know I am on the right track.
The best part is, however, a week from today I will be TOTALLY done with these classes. I will have 9 out of 30 credits DONE toward my master's degree and I will finally be able to relax, unwind, and enjoy the rest of my summer! YAY!
I hope everyone enjoys their week, I know I will.