Figuring out how to be a newlywed in this crazy world!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Well, its almost Friday!

It is almost Friday and my plans for the weekend include . . .
Oh wait, that's right, I don't have ANYTHING to do this weekend. I have a short paper or two to write for my master's classes but at this point, one paper qualifies as NOTHING! I can clean or not clean, cook something amazing (as I am still in a nesty type of mood) or I could eat fast food all weekend. I have no idea what I will be doing but for Saturday I will be alone for most of the day as Chad will be going to a football game for most of the day. I see myself browsing through the clearance areas of Target, Kohls, and Marshall's as I love shopping but have spent about 3 months worth of spending money in the past few weeks! Oh man, I am just imagining this awesome day shape up. The reality will likely be me laying in bed watching 90210 and the food network until noon then lazily shopping around town before coming home to do a whole lotta nothing! OH the DREAM of it! Now all I have to do is get through tomorrow.
The first full week with the kids has gone okay so far! It has been tiring but worth it. The kids are learning more and more and are starting to get the hang of things. As a Kindergarten teacher, this is the dream of all dreams, a group of kids who don't need every single direction given to them on a silver platter! YAY!
Oh, and I worked out for 15 minutes on the elliptical tonight and then did about 7 or 8 minutes of ab work afterward. I feel pretty good about that (if you ignore the fact that I had two very small servings of cake today!) I would have eaten the cake anyway though so I guess I am still better off! Anyway, off to bed for me, gotta get through that Friday!

1 comment:

Dea said...

I know it's Sunday now... am way behind here... but hope you had a lovely relaxing day yesterday! I know I did! ;-)