Figuring out how to be a newlywed in this crazy world!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Doctor's Appointment Today!

So, I am 36 weeks pregnant now which makes me in my ninth month. I have less than a month left until we meet our little guy! Chad and I went to the doctor today to have an ultrasound and a regular check up. We got to see our little guy - well, what we could see of him. He is head down, way down, and face down. Which basically means we didn't get to see his little face. Its a bummer even though on an ultrasound they usually look like Skeletor anyway! We did see the back of his head, though, complete with hair!!!! YAY! I was born with a full head of dark, thick hair and it looks like Mouser will have some hair as well. I am so excited!
I talked to the doctor about a discussion that one of the other docs in the practice had with me regarding my Crohn's and delivering early. Of course, the were talking about 37 weeks - uhh, in case anyone lost count like I did, that would mean next week. Ummm, no thanks. I think I will just stick it out. I am not very interested in an amnio and a premature baby anyway - thanks! We had discussed that option if my Crohn's got worse or if it was harming Mouse. Since I am still fully functioning I figured let's let it ride.
The doc today mentioned inducing at 39 weeks (without amnio) if the Crohn's is still bothering me but I think at this point we will wait and see. Of course, the planner in me would love to plan an induction so I know when the baby would be here and I wouldn't have to just "wait and see." I think the best thing to do, however, is let God decide when this little guy is ready to see the world.

Oh, and as many of you know, I am having a bit of a big baby. Nothing astronomical or anything. Right now, according to the ultrasound he is in the 85 %ile. His estimated weight as of today is 7 pounds! No wonder I get tired at the end of the day! They estimate he will be about 8 1/2 lbs. when he is born. Chad and I were each over eight pounds so I wasn't really surprised when he told us that. I suppose only time will tell. Our little dude is growing and thriving. Of course, I only gained 1/2 a lb. over the last month. That sounds pretty good but its more of a sign of the Crohn's flare up than of me watching what I am eating or excersizing (hahaha). Of course, I am busy at work so that may help things along. I am not too much over my weight gain hopes so maybe I won't be too HUGE when this is all said and done! :)

1 comment:

One of the Bunch said...

Yipee! I'm so excited for you guys! I agree, let God decide when Mouser is ready to come into this world. I wish I'd had one full term just to experience that "huge" belly. But hey, I had that still without being term. :)

Get some rest!!