Figuring out how to be a newlywed in this crazy world!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Sleep - how precious . . .

Jack's first two nights at home were great. He slept at three hour stretches, fell asleep after he ate and had a new diaper and even took a nice long nap in the morning (like 7-10). Last night, however, Jack decided to be a hungry, hungry hippo and he wanted to eat constantly. He would wake up, eat for almost an hour, and then go to sleep just to wake up an hour later. So, technically he was eating every two hours except it takes him an hour to eat so we only got an hour of sleep at a time! Oh well, he slept from 7-11 am so at least we got some sleep then. Its fine with me because I don't have to go back to work until January but in about a week Chad isn't going to be as cool with getting a bulk of our sleep during the day when he needs to go to work! Oh well, at least he is a good eater and goes to sleep when he's full - Jack, that is, not Chad. Well, on second thought, Chad too. I guess they are both good eaters and sleepers! :)
Continue to check out our Shutterfly site for more pics.

1 comment:

Dea said...

LOVE the latest pictures. So sweet! :) Sounds like it might be a growth spurt... usually somewhere in week 2 if I recall! But it will be really good for your milk, so hang in there!