Figuring out how to be a newlywed in this crazy world!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Sick and skinny!

First the bad news - Chad and I both have the flu! It is the nasty stomach flu and it makes us both feel sick, sick, sick. I am taking the day off tomorrow because I have a fever and I am not interested in getting 20 five year olds sick. So, Chad thinks he his going to work tomorrow so it will be Jack and me. He was quite understanding tonight - he chilled out on the swing or layed on the couch with me while I rested. I let Chad sleep for a while this afternoon and then I got to rest while Chad gave Jack his bath. We make a good team!

On a side note - muffin top be d@mned - I fit into my pre-preg jeans. While I still have about 10 lbs more to go to get to my pre-preg weight and another 15 to go to get to my final goal weight, it felt very good to get into those jeans (thank goodness for the stretch factor!)

Anyway, that is enough for now. I am going to try to eat a little something. Wish me luck that it stays down!

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